New Features for SOLIDWORKS 2025

Z up Templates
Flexibility of choosing between Y up and Z up coordinate systems when creating new parts assemblies for manufacturing and other downstream workflows.

Chamfer Selection Accelerator
Boost efficiency by leveraging selection accelerators for the Chamfer command to rapidly select edges. They work in similar way as for the fillets.

Silhouette Defeature
Create highly simplified parts or configurations derived from your parts Recognisable parts and configurations for sharing while protecting your intellectual property.

Reload Drawings
Revert an open drawing back to the version last saved on the disk with a single click.

Export Views as Blocks
Export drawing views as blocks for easier use in 2 D applications when exporting to DWG/ DXF formats.

Display State Table
Manage hidden/shown components in assemblies through a single Display State table.

Bend Notches
Increase productivity by creating visible & well-defined markings across bends to aid operators line up bends while tooling for accurate parts.

Groove Beads
Create weld beads between two bodies with a groove or cavity between them. Also, with flexibility of defining the weld symbol on the fly.

Document Groups
Save and recall multiple open .sldprt, .sldasm, .slddrw documents with a single click allowing faster startup for your everyday work.

BOM Quantity Override
You can show length in your assembly BOM Quantity Column for components with detailed Cut lists.

Copy Cut List Properties
Save time by quickly copying Cut list properties to many items without manually copying or typing them.

Enhanced Visualisation Export
Enhanced SOLIDWORKS Visualise with API Access, New Fast Render Mode, Addition of Faded Floor and glTF export capabilities.