Copy Settings Wizard

February 11, 2019 addonix

The Copy Settings Wizard saves, restores and propagates system settings to users, computers, or profiles.

When you select options for the SOLIDWORKS software, those settings are saved in the registry file and the software recognizes the settings from one release of SOLIDWORKS to the next. For most users, no action is necessary to maintain their settings. However, you can use the Copy Settings Wizard to distribute settings.

You can Save or Restore system settings for:

  • Keyboard shortcuts.
  • Menu customization.
  • System options.
  • Toolbar layout (All toolbars or Macro toolbar only).

To access the tool, you can go to Start > SOLIDWORKS Tools [YEAR] > Copy Settings Wizard [YEAR]. And from there you can select “Save Settings” and then click “Next”.

Now you have the option to select the location and name of the file by selecting the “Browse” button. Then you can select which aspects of your settings you want to save and Select Finish.

Now any time you want to reload your settings you can choose “Restore Settings” from the Copy Settings Wizard.

Thank you for taking a look at our SOLIDWORKS Copy Settings content.

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