Contextual Selection

Contextual Selection (Select Loop & Select Tangency)

July 23, 2020 addonix

Contextual Selection allows for groups of related entities to be selected together. Different types of group selection are available depending on what type of entity is selected and what entities are adjacent to it.

There are few types of contextual selection: Select Loop, Select Tangency, etc. Each type is available or not available depending on the context of the entity that is selected and each type will select a group of entities in different ways.

Select Loop –

  1. On a part, right-click an edge and choose Select Loop. A loop is selected on one face. A handle displays the direction of the loop.
  2. To change the loop selection to the edges of the other connecting face, click the handle.

Select Tangency –

You can select a group of tangent curves, edges, or faces. You can then apply a feature, such as fillet or a chamfer, to the selection. Hidden edges are selected in all view modes.

Right-click a curve, edge, or face in a tangent group and choose Select Tangency.

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